2024 Raft Race Rules & Safety Notes

Jointly organised by Looe Boat Owners Association and Looe RNLI RACE RULES 1. All rafts to be entered ¾ HOUR before race start time: 2. Sponsorship money should also be handed in on the day of the race or within the following week, whichever is more practicable. 3. All rafts to be consisted of barrels, drums, wood etc. No boats or canoes may be utilised and craft may only be paddled, no rowing or power. The race officer will categorise classes where necessary. 4. Competitors are responsible for disposal of their own rafts. A charge will be made if debris has to be removed. 5. All rafters must act responsibly and have regard for fellow rafters, particularly children. The safety rules must be followed and the indemnity form signed and handed in when entering 6. For safety reasons all rafters must notify the Finish Line Marshal at Little Beach when finishing and those who do not finish must also notify the Marshal. 7. For safety reasons children under 8 are not permitted to enter and those under 18 years old must have their own Indemnity form signed by a parent or guardian 8. The start time/ course may vary depending upon the weather on the day. 9. Decisions of the Raft Race Committee are final. SAFETY NOTES - THESE MUST BE READ BY ALL TEAM MEMBERS This information is important. It needs to be read and understood, by everyone taking part in the Raft Race. 1. You must follow the safety instructions given to you by the Safety Marshals 2. You have confirmed that you are able to swim 50 meters in cold water whilst wearing light clothing and a buoyancy aid and that taking part in this event will not harm your health. If you have any doubts, you agree to get medical advice before you take part. 3. You also agree to wear a buoyancy aid, and keep it fastened at all times whilst you are on your raft and in the water. This is for your own safety. If you have a manually inflatable life jacket, it must be worn outside of your clothing. Auto inflate life jackets are not suitable and should not be worn. 4. The risks of taking part in an event on water can be reduced if you obey the instructions of Safety Marshals. There is a slim chance your raft may break up or capsize. You have to accept this as part of the event, and so dress appropriately and bring spare clothes and a towel (just in case!) 5. Our Race Scrutineer will refuse to allow you to take part in the event if the decide that you are unfit (or unsafe) to race for any reason, especially if you are drunk. The Scrutineer’s decision on safety is final. 6. It is extremely dangerous to deliberately capsize, disable your raft or competitors raft at any stage of the event and so any crews that do so will be disqualified from the entire event. 7. In compliance with the requirements of our insurers the event organisers cannot condone and strongly discourage the throwing of any materials and we will not be held responsible for any damage or injury caused by thrown materials. 8. Any rafter interfering with buoys or race directions will be disqualified 9. There will be rescue boats to assist you if your raft is in trouble. Please do not swim to the rescue boat until you are directed to do so, the boats will come to you. You will be asked to hold onto the side of the rescue boat and turn around, so that your back is against the boat. You will then be lifted from the water onto the side of the boat. Please sit quietly. This is essential because everyone must be removed from the water, checked for injuries and an accurate headcount confirmed before the rescue boat can start their engines. If you are injured or require medical attention, please tell the rescue boat first aider, and he will arrange medical help for you. The safety boat will see that the raft is delivered to the finish or to the shore. We hope that you have a really enjoyable day and thank you for helping to raise money for Looe RNLI
You don’t need a boat to join any dream will do!
Looe Boat Owners Association